Why you should try the Wim Hof method against COVID-19.

Aranza Sánchez Romero
6 min readJun 24, 2020

There’s more we can do. We can learn to boost our immune system instantly.

Photo by Unsplash via unsplash.com

“I just want to bring a message. And the message is that we’re going to feel happy, stronger and healthier.”

The coronavirus has arisen in the world and has left us with low defenses in all directions. We know the great mortality it is leaving behind, the political and social conflicts that are taking place and the great economic crisis that is coming. That is why in the face of all this chaos a light of hope and clarity appears before us as an opportunity and proof that despite any situation we can take action.
And that is the message that Wim Hof -better known as “the Iceman”- wants to convey: there´s a lot we can do. We can take responsibility for our mind and body from the comfort of our own home.

What’s so fascinating about all this? It’s extremely simple and the effects are immediate.

We live in a society that currently embodies the greatest disconnect between mind and body, which has led to a significant increase in stress and anxiety levels in the population, as well as the triggering of various diseases.



Aranza Sánchez Romero

Content Editorial Manager in an cool agency 👩🏻‍💻 / Mexican Philosopher 🇲🇽 / Crazy about Creator Economy 📱